This is the access page, for our

Bann Valley Jam?son Families website

Unfortunately, a necessary attempt to thwart automatic spam and other bots

Most websites, including ours, are pestered by web crawlers, designed to mine everybody else's websites for whatever reasons only they can explain. Although most of these efforts are NOT nefarious or harmful they are troublesome on our end as they tend to sometimes clog up everything and eat into our bandwidth.

What this page does is provide a two step process that most automatic (at least) crawlers can't decipher (work with). It is not really anything to difficult to overcome, but just might slow down those that are only fishing for and or who knows what else.

If you are legit, arrived here intentionally and not some sort of nuisance crawler, just click the button below that says "Visit our "Bann" site." That should take you to our site so that you can see what you want and what you came herw for in the first place.

~ sorry if this causes you any inconvenience ~