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Movanagher Canal
Movanagher Canal

An In-Depth Study, including the Genealogy and Family Histories, of some of the various JAM?SON Families found in the Bann River Valley of Ulster, Ireland

This website is devoted to the study, genealogy and family history of several Jam?son families who we believe all share the same ultimate paternal Jam?son ancestral beginnings, based on traditional research and genetic verification. This site however, excludes those earlier Jameson families from the Coleraine or County Down areas, which can be found on a different site.

There are many families with the surname Jameson, most however, are not related. The Jameson surname, in any of its various spellings, was created of need by many to mean the son of James. Most who first used this surname were totally different and unrelated people. Thus, there are many unrelated Jameson families, all over the world, with the same surname. The difference between distinct Jameson families can be easily determined (and thereby proven) by DNA from the Y Chromosome. more on that subject...

The discovery of Jam?son families, as listed herein, with similar Y-Chromosome DNA results (profile) prove, or at least strongly suggest, that these families are related to each other and to the Jamesons listed within Some Jamesons and perhaps others not yet found, all having somewhere a common ancestor, and this most likely, since surnames have been used. Collectively speaking - "OUR" Jam?sons.

A significant amount of what can be found on this website is a result of the personal research and generous sharing of information about this family, by many people, without which much would have gone untold. If you have any interest in or knowledge of this family and it's descendants, we'd love to hear from you. In fact, we strongly urge you to contact us.


Forward. It is often said that "one cannot choose his or her ancestors" true enough, but then "would they have chosen us?" ....

Our Jamesons. Defined and Explained. Why our Jameson family is actually different from all other Jameson families.

Name Variations. An Explanation and Listing of the many different spellings of the surname.

Our Jamesons Historical Background. Our Jameson family is of Anglo-Saxon origins and are originally from Scotland

Clan. Most traditions have it that descendants of our Jameson family have their ultimate origins with the Scottish Clan.

A Jameson Irish Whiskey Connection? Is there any family connection with the famous Irish whiskey with the Jameson name....

Movangaher & The Plantations Movanagher is where the Plantations in County Londonderry, Ulster began

DNA. Details about our Jameson family's unique genetic profile and what this all means ....


If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us here. We look forward to hearing from you.