Notes |
- A Henry Eugene Wright (born 12 Mar 1846) appears on page 3 of the Wright family bible [S80]. Nothing is known of this child, including his parents. The name appears immeadiately after a list of Owen and his siblings (the children of David and Elizabeth Wright) and at the beginig of the children of Owen and Mary (Garber) Wright, which (with the exception of Edward Riley - son of Mary (Owen's sister) and Isaac Riley) are the only children of this generation listed in this bible.
It can be reasonably speculated that this child (Henry Eugene Wright) may be the child of an early (and unknown) marriage of Owen. Owen's marriage to Mary Garber was not until 1852 when Owen was past 40 years old, so an earlier marriage is possible, perhaps expected.
This Henry Eugene Wright's whereabouts (apart from the bible entry) is completely unknown, or at least yet discovered.