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War of 1812 - Studies & Information

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The War of 1812 was fought between the US and the British Empire, primarily on the Atlantic Ocean and the coasts of North America, as a response by the United States to stand up against what they believed to be “British insults.” Including their attempted enforcement of a number of trade restrictions between the US and France, as well as their forceful recruitment of US citizens into the Royal Navy. In addition to these annoyances, the Brits had also offered military assistance to the Native Americans meant to impede colonial expansion into the West.

On June 18, 1812, while Britain was already at war with France, the United States stunned the world by declaring war on Great Britain. Both land and sea battles were fought on the frontier, which ran along the Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence River, separating the US from Upper and Lower Canada. Some say that the War of 1812 was "The Second War for Independance." American battle losses were about 2260 and it can be said that neither Great Britain nor the United States won or lost this war when hostilities ended in 1815. It was during the War of 1812 that Francis Scott Key wrote his poem "The Star Spangled Banner" later to become our national anthem. more...

Much has been written about the War of 1812. Those who might be interested should seek this information elsewhere. What we have here in this website is anything and everything we know about our Jameson family and their relationship or involvement with the War of 1812.