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Temple - The surname Temple is traditionally considered to be of English origin. Signifying a hall, the name may have originated from the Manor of Temple in Wellsborough, Leicestershire, England. It was there that the name was given to Robert, Earl of Leicester and a Knight Templar.[1]

The college or religious homes of the medieval order of Knights Templar were often called Temples, Even manorial residences and estates belonging to them obtained the same dignified appellation. At that time the bailiff or tenant of such a property was sometimes known by the surname "At-Temple" or "Templeman" and in the Hundred Rolls are also recorded other forms of the name written De Temple, Du Temple and Le Templar.

The Temple family are said to be descended from Leofric, Earl of Chester, who died in 1057, leaving a son Algar, Earl of Mercia and the East Angles.

"Abraham Temple of Salem, Massachusetts appears to have been the earliest of the name to establish himself and his descendants in the New World. Thus far, research has not succeeded in tracing him to his English birth place or parentage. I am of the opinion he was a plain man in humble position. For the most part his descendants have been farmers and mechanics, although some have entered the professions and business life where they have attained success.

Neither in England nor America has the (Temple) family been a prolific one. After ten generations, careful research enables me to place less than two thousand living descendents of Abraham of Salem. Different lines of the English family were continually becoming extinct, as shown in the volumes of Temple Prime.

The family name is relatively rare throughout the English speaking world. There are strong facial resemblances among those who bear it on both sides of the sea. My own opinion is that the families have a common origin and that extended investigations will at some time reveal it."[2]

There have been a number of people who have done genealogical research on the Temple Family. Chief among them are Temple Prime and Levi Temple.

In 1899-1900 Levi Daniel Temple published an extensive genealogy, based on his research, of the descendants of Abraham Temple.[3] His book is the basis of the vast majority of information listed here. In fact most of what is on this website concerning the Temple side of family prior to the year 1900, is taken verbatim from the Levi Temple book, without who's work this information would have been exceedingly difficult if in fact at all even possible. Changes from those original genealogies have been made here only where new or corrected information has been discovered.

Related information here.

Go here for details on early Temple family naming traditions and customs.

[1] What's in a Name? (article) - Rochester (NY) Democrat & Chronicle
[2] Some Temple Pedigrees - A Genealogy of the Known Descendants of Abraham Temple Who Settled in Salem, Mass in 1636" - Levi Temple - Printed by David Clapp & Son - Boston - 1900 [S8]
[3] ibid [S8]