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Male 1781 - 1861  (80 years)

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 1782: Gilbert's Act establishes outdoor poor relief – the way of life of the poor beginning to alter due to industrialisation – New factories in rapidly expanding towns required a workforce that would adjust to new work patterns
  • 1782: James Watt patents his steam engine
  • 1783: Duty payable on Parish Register entries (3d per entry – repealed 1794) – led to a fall in entries!
  • 3 Sep 1783: Treaty of Versailles (Britain/US)
  • 3 Nov 1783: Last public execution at Tyburn in London (John Austin, a highwayman)
  • 1784: Pitt's India Act – the Crown (as opposed to officers of the East India Company) has power to guide Indian politics
  • 1784: Wesley breaks with the Church of England
  • 1784: First golf club founded at St Andrews
  • 1784: Invention of threshing machine by Andrew Meikle
  • 2 Aug 1784: First mail coaches in England (4pm Bristol / 8am London)
  • 1785: Sunday School Society founded to educate poor children (by 1851, enrols more than 2 million)
  • 1 Jan 1785: John Walter publishes first edition of The Times (called The Daily Universal Register for 3 years)
  • 1787: MCC (Marylebone Cricket Club) established at Thomas Lord's ground in London
  • 1788: First steamboat demonstrated in Scotland
  • 1788: Law passed requiring that chimney sweepers be a minimum of 8 years old (not enforced)
  • 1788: First slave carrying act, the Dolben Act of 1788, regulates the slave trade – stipulates more humane conditions on slave ships
  • 1788: King George III's mental illness occasions the Regency Crisis – Edmund Burke and Charles James Fox attack ministry of William Pitt – trying to obtain full regal powers for the Prince of Wales
  • 1788: Gibbon completes "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"
  • 26 Jan 1788: First convicts (and free settlers) arrive in New South Wales (left Portsmouth 13 May 1787) — the 'First Fleet'; eleven ships commanded by Captain Arthur Phillip
  • 28 Apr 1789: Mutiny on HMS Bounty – Captain William Bligh and 18 sailors are set adrift and the rebel crew ends up on Pitcairn Island
  • 1790: Forth and Clyde Canal opened in Scotland
  • 1791: John Bell, printer, abandons the "long s" (the "s" that looks like an "f")
  • 1791: Establishment of the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain
  • 4 Dec 1791: First publication of The Observer – world's oldest Sunday newspaper
10 1792 
  • 1792: Repression in Britain (restrictions on freedom of the press) – Fox gets Libel Act through Parliament, requiring a jury and not a judge to determine libel
  • 1792: Boyle's Street Directory published
  • 1792: Coal-gas lighting invented by William Murdock, an Ayrshire Scot
  • 1 Oct 1792: Introduction of Money Orders in Britain
  • 1 Dec 1792: King's Proclamation drawing out the British militia
11 1793 
  • 11 Feb 1793: Britain declares war on France (1793-1802)
  • 15 Apr 1793: £5 notes first issued by the Bank of England
12 1794 
  • 1794: Abolition of Parish Register duties
  • 6 Oct 1794: The prosecutor for Britain, Lord Justice Eyre, charges reformers with High Treason – he argued that, since reform of parliament would lead to revolution and revolution to executing the King, the desire for reform endangered the King's life and was therefore treasonous
13 1795 
  • 1795: The Famine Year
  • 1795: Foundation of the Orange Order
  • 1795: Speenhamland Act proclaims that the Parish is responsible for bringing up the labourer's wage to subsistence level – towards the end of the eighteenth century, the number of poor and unemployed increased dramatically – price increases during the Napoleonic Wars (1793-1815) far outstripped wage rises – many small farmers were bankrupted by the move towards enclosures and became landless labourers – their wages were often pitifully low
  • 1795: Pitt and Grenville introduce "The Gagging Acts" or "Two Bills" (the Seditious Meetings and Treasonable Practices Bills) – outlawed the mass meeting and the political lecture.
  • 1795: Consumption of lime juice made compulsory in Royal Navy
14 1796 
  • 1796: Pitt's "Reign of Terror": More treason trials – leading radicals emigrate
  • 1796: Legacy Tax on sums over £20 excluding those to wives, children, parents and grandparents
  • 14 May 1796: Dr Edward Jenner gave first vaccination for smallpox in England
15 1797 
  • 1797: England in Crisis, Bank of England suspends cash payments
  • 1797: Mutinies in the British Navy at Spithead and Nore
  • 1797: Tax on newspapers (including cheap, topical journals) increased to repress radical publications
  • 1797: The first copper pennies were produced ('cartwheels') by application of steam power to the coining press
  • 22 Feb 1797: French invade Fishguard, Wales; last time UK invaded; all captured 2 days later
  • 26 Feb 1797: First £1 (and £2) notes issued by Bank of England
16 1798 
  • 1798: First planned human experiment with vaccination, to test theories of Edward Jenner
  • Feb 1798: The Irish Rebellion; 100,000 peasants revolt; approximately 25,000 die – Irish Parliament abolished (Feb-Oct)
  • 1 Aug 1798: Battle of the Nile (won by Nelson)
17 1799 
  • 1799: Foundation of Royal Military College Sandhurst by the Duke of York
  • 1799: Foundation of the Royal Institution of Great Britain
  • 9 Jan 1799: Pitt brings in 10% income tax, as a wartime financial measure
  • 12 Jul 1799: 'Combination Laws' in Britain against political associations and combinations
  • 15 Jul 1799: "Rosetta Stone" discovered in Egypt, made possible the deciphering (in 1822) of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics
18 1800 
  • 1800: Electric light first produced by Sir Humphrey Davy
  • 1800: Use of high pressure steam pioneered by Richard Trevithick (1771-1833)
  • 1800: Royal College of Surgeons founded
  • 1800: Herschel discovers infra-red light
  • 1800: Volta makes first electrical battery
  • 2 Jul 1800: Parliamentary union of Great Britain and Ireland
19 1801 
  • 1801: Grand Union Canal opens in England
  • 1801: Elgin Marbles brought from Athens to London
  • 1 Jan 1801: Union Jack becomes the official British flag
  • 10 Mar 1801: First census puts the population of England and Wales at 9,168,000. Population of Britain nearly 11 million (75% rural)
  • 24 Dec 1801: Richard Trevithick built the first self-propelled passenger carrying road loco
20 1802 
  • 25 Mar 1802: Treaty of Amiens signed by Britain, France, Spain, and the Netherlands – the "Peace of Amiens," as it was known, brought a temporary peace of 14 months during the Napoleonic Wars – one of its most important cultural effects was that travel and correspondence across the English Channel became possible again
21 1803 
  • 1803: Poaching made a Capital offence in England if capture resisted
  • 1803: Richard Trevithick built another steam carriage and ran it in London as the first self-propelled vehicle in the capital and the first London bus
  • 1803: Semaphore signalling perfected by Admiral Popham
  • 30 Apr 1803: Louisiana Purchase: Napoleon sells French possessions in America to United States
  • 12 May 1803: Peace of Amiens ends – resumption of war with France – The Napoleonic Wars (1803-18l5)
  • 23 Jul 1803: First public railway opens (Surrey Iron Railway, 9 miles from Wandsworth to Croydon, horse-drawn)
22 1804 
  • 1804: Matthew Flinders recommends that the newly discovered country, New Holland, be renamed "Australia"
  • 21 Feb 1804: Richard Trevithick runs his railway engine on the Penydarren Railway (9.5 miles from Pen-y-Darren to Abercynon in South Wales) – this hauled a train with 10 tons of iron and 70 passengers. It was commemorated by the Royal Mint in 2004 in the form of a £2.00 coin.
  • 3 Mar 1804: John Wedgwood (eldest son of the potter Josiah Wedgwood) founds The Royal Horticultural Society
  • 2 Dec 1804: Napoleon declares himself Emperor of the French
  • 12 Dec 1804: Spain declares war on Britain
23 1805 
  • 1805: London docks opened
  • 21 Oct 1805: Admiral Nelson's victory at Trafalgar
  • 2 Dec 1805: Battle of Austerlitz; Napoleon defeats Austrians and Russians
24 1806 
  • 1806: Dartmoor Prison opened (built by French prisoners)
  • 9 Jan 1806: Nelson buried in St Paul's cathedral, London
25 1807 
  • 25 Mar 1807: Parliament passes Act prohibiting slavery and the importation of slaves from 1808 – but does not prohibit colonial slavery
26 1808 
  • 1808: Gas lighting in London streets
  • 13 Jul 1808: 'Hot Wednesday' – temperature of 101°F in the shade recorded in London
  • 20 Dec 1808: Beethoven premieres his Fifth Symphony, Sixth Symphony, Fourth Piano Concerto and Choral Fantasy together in Vienna
27 1809 
  • 12 Feb 1809: Birth of Charles Darwin
  • 18 Sep 1809: Royal Opera House opens in London
28 1810 
  • 1810: John McAdam begins road construction in England, giving his name to the process of road metalling
29 1811 
  • 5 Feb 1811: Prince of Wales (future George IV) made Regent after George III deemed insane
30 1812 
  • 11 May 1812: Prime Minister, Spencer Perceval, assassinated – shot as he entered the House of Commons by a bankrupt Liverpool broker, John Bellingham, who was subsequently hanged
  • 18 Jun 1812: Start of American "War of 1812" (to 1814) against England and Canada
  • Oct 1812: Napoleon retreats from Moscow with catastrophic losses
31 1813 
  • 1813: Ireland: First recorded "12th of July" sectarian riots in Belfast
  • 1813: Jane Austen wrote "Pride and Prejudice"
32 1814 
  • 1 Jan 1814: Invasion of France by Allies
  • 6 Apr 1814: Napoleon abdicates and is exiled to Elba
  • 13 Aug 1814: Convention of London signed, a treaty between the UK and the Dutch
  • 24 Aug 1814: The British burn the White House
  • 29 Nov 1814: "The Times" first printed by a 'mechanical apparatus' (at 1,100 sheets per hour)
  • 24 Dec 1814: Treaty of Ghent signed ending the 1812 war between Britain and the US
33 1815 
  • 1815: Trial by Jury established in Scotland
  • 1815: Davy develops the safety lamp for miners
  • 18 Jun 1815: The Battle of Waterloo: Napoleon defeated and exiled to St. Helena
34 1816 
  • 1816: Income tax abolished
  • 1816: For the first time British silver coins were produced with an intrinsic value substantially below their face value – the first official 'token' coinage
  • 1816: Climate: the 'year without a summer' – followed a volcanic explosion of the mountain "Tambora" in Indonesia the previous year, the biggest volcanic explosion in 10,000 years
  • 1816: Large scale emigration to North America
  • 1816: Trans-Atlantic packet service begins
35 1817 
  • 1817: March of the Manchester Blanketeers; Habeas Corpus suspended
  • 1817: Constable painted "Flatford Mill"
36 1818 
  • 1818: Manchester cotton spinners' strike
  • 20 Oct 1818: 'Convention of 1818' signed between the United States and the United Kingdom which, among other things, settled the US-Canada border on the 49th parallel for most of its length
37 1819 
  • 1819: Primitive bicycle, the Dandy Horse, becomes popular
  • 1819: Britain returns to gold standard
  • 1819: Singapore founded by Sir Stamford Raffles
  • May 1819: SS "Savannah" first steamship to cross Atlantic, reaching Liverpool 20 June 1819 (26 days, mostly under sail)
  • 16 Aug 1819: Peterloo Massacre at Manchester – a large, orderly group of 60,000 meets at St. Peter's Fields, Manchester – demand Parliamentary Reform – mounted troops charge on the meeting, killing 11 people and and maiming many others
38 1820 
  • 1820: Cato Street Conspiracy – plot to assissinate British cabinet
  • 1820: Abolition of the Spanish Inquisition
  • 29 Jan 1820: Accession of George IV, previously Prince Regent
  • 1 Aug 1820: Regent's Canal in London opens
  • 17 Aug 1820: Trial of Queen Caroline to prove her infidelities so George IV can divorce her – George tries to secure a Bill of Pains and Penalties against her – Caroline is virtually acquitted because bill passed by such a small majority of Lords
39 1821 
  • 1821: Faraday publishes "Principles of electro-magnetic rotation"
  • 1821: Constable paints "The Hay Wain"
  • 5 May 1821: Napoleon Bonaparte dies on St Helena
40 1822 
  • 14 Jun 1822: Charles Babbage proposes a difference engine in a paper to the Royal Astronomical Society
41 1823 
  • 1823: New laws concerning marriage by licence – 'very troublesome' according to some: "the Act was repealed, all in a hurry, at the beginning of the next session"
  • 1823: Peel begins penal reforms – death penalty abolished for over 100 crimes
  • 1823: Rugby Football 'invented' at Rugby School
  • 1823: Rubberised waterproof material produced by MacIntosh
  • 2 Dec 1823: US President James Monroe delivers a speech establishing American neutrality in future European conflicts (the 'Monroe Doctrine')
42 1824 
  • 1824: RSPCA established
  • 1824: Portland cement patented
  • 4 Mar 1824: Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) founded (called the "National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck" until 1854)
  • 10 May 1824: National Gallery in London opens to the public
43 1825 
  • 27 Sep 1825: Stockton to Darlington Railway opens – world's first service of locomotive-hauled passenger trains
44 1827 
  • 1827: Ohm's Law published
45 1828 
  • 25 Oct 1828: St Katharine Docks in London opened (designed by Thomas Telford)
46 1829 
  • 1829: London Metropolitan Police Force formed, nicknamed "Bobbies" after Sir Robert Peel
  • 1829: Louis Braille invents his sytem of finger-reading for the blind
  • 10 Jun 1829: First Oxford/Cambridge Boat Race
  • 6 Oct 1829: George Stephenson's Rocket wins the Rainhill trials (it was the only one to complete the trial!)
47 1830 
  • 1830: Uprisings and agitation across Europe: the Netherlands are split into Holland and Belgium
  • Jul 1830: Revolution in France, fall of Charles X and the Bourbons – Louis Philippe (the Citizen King) on the throne
  • 15 Sep 1830: George Stephenson's Liverpool & Manchester Railway opened by the Duke of Wellington – first mail carried by rail, and first death on the railway as William Huskisson, a leading politician, is run over!
48 1831 
  • 1831: A list of all parish registers dating prior to 1813 compiled
  • 1 Jun 1831: James Clark Ross discovers the North Magnetic Pole
  • 1 Aug 1831: 'New' London Bridge opens (replaced 1973) – old bridge (which had existed for over 600 years) then demolished
49 1832 
  • 1832: Electoral Registers introduced
  • 1832: Electric telegraph invented by Morse
  • 7 Jun 1832: Reform Bill passed – Representation of the People Act
50 1833 
  • Jan 1833: Britain invades the Falkland Islands
  • 29 Aug 1833: Factory Act forbids employment of children below age of 9
51 1834 
  • 1834: Babbage invents forerunner of the computer
  • 18 Mar 1834: 'Tolpuddle Martyrs' transported (to Australia) for Trades Union activities
  • 1 May 1834: Slavery abolished in British possessions
52 1835 
  • 1835: Christmas becomes a national holiday
  • 1835: First railway boom period starts in Britain – construction of Great Western Railway
53 1836 
  • 1836: First Potato famine in Ireland
  • 30 Jan 1836: Telford's Menai Straits Bridge opened – considered the world's first modern suspension bridge
  • 25 Feb 1836: Samuel Colt patented the 'revolver'
  • 6 Mar 1836: The Alamo falls to Mexican troops – death of Davy Crockett
  • Jul 1836: Inauguration of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris
54 1837 
  • 1837: Pitman introduces his shorthand system
  • 1837: P&O Founded
  • 20 Jun 1837: William IV dies – accession of Queen Victoria (to 1901)
  • 1 Jul 1837: Compulsory registration of Births, Marriages & Deaths in England & Wales – Registration Districts were formed covering several parishes; initially they had the same boundaries as the Poor Law boundaries set up in 1834
  • 13 Jul 1837: Queen Victoria moves into the first Buckingham Palace
  • 20 Jul 1837: Euston Railway station opens – first in London
55 1838 
  • 28 Jun 1838: Coronation of Queen Victoria at Westminster Abbey
56 1839 
  • 1839: First Opium War between Britain and China (to 1842) – Britain captures Hong Kong
  • 1839: Scottish blacksmith Kirkpatrick MacMillan refines the primitive bicycle, adding a mechanical crank drive to the rear wheel, thus creating the first true "bicycle" in the modern sense
  • 1839: Charles Goodyear invented vulcanized rubber
57 1840 
  • 1840: Population Act relating to taking of censuses in Britain
  • 1840: Last convicts landed in NSW (some say 1842 or 1849, but these probably landed elsewhere)
  • 10 Jan 1840: Uniform Penny Postage introduced nationally
58 1841 
  • 1841: Thomas Cook starts package tours
  • 10 Feb 1841: Penny Red replaces Penny Black postage stamp
  • 6 Jun 1841: June 6: First full census in Britain in which all names were recorded (Population 18.5M)
59 1842 
  • 1842: Income Tax reintroduced in Britain
  • 30 Mar 1842: Ether used as an anaesthetic for the first time (by Dr Crawford Long in America)
  • 29 Aug 1842: Treaty of Nanking – End of First Opium War – Britain gains Hong Kong
60 1843 
  • 1843: First Christmas card in England
  • 27 May 1843: The Great Hall of Euston station opened in London
  • 19 Jul 1843: Brunel's 'Great Britain' launched
61 1844 
  • 6 Jun 1844: YMCA founded in London by Sir George Williams
62 1845 
  • 1845: Tarmac laid for first time (in Nottingham)
  • 17 Mar 1845: The rubber band patented by Stephen Perry
63 1846 
  • 10 Sep 1846: The sewing machine is patented by Elias Howe
64 1847 
  • 1847: US Mormons make Salt Lake City their centre
  • Jan 1847: An anaesthetic used for the first time in England (James Simpson used ether to numb the pain of labour)
65 1848 
  • 1848: First commercial production of chewing gum
  • 24 Jan 1848: Gold found at Sutter's Mill, California – starts the California gold rush
  • 11 Jul 1848: Waterloo railway station in London opens
66 1849 
  • 1849: Florin (2 shilling coin) introduced as the first step to decimalisation – which finally occurred in 1971!
67 1851 
  • 1851: Gold discovered in Australia
  • 1 May 1851: Great exhibition of the works of industry of all nations ("Crystal Palace" exhibition) opened in Hyde Park
68 1852 
  • 1852: Tasmania ceases to be a convict settlement
  • 1852: Wells Fargo established in USA
69 1853 
  • 1853: Vaccination against smallpox made compulsory in Britain
70 1854 
  • 1854: Cigarettes introduced into Britain
  • 27 Mar 1854: Britain declares war on Russia (Crimean War)
  • 25 Oct 1854: Battle of Balaklava in Crimea (charge of the Light Brigade)
71 1856 
  • 1856: End of Crimean War
  • 29 Jan 1856: Victoria Cross created by Royal Warrant, backdated to 1854 to recognise acts during the Crimean War (first award ceremony 26 June 1857)
72 1857 
  • 1857: Work starts on the laying of the Transatlantic cable
73 1858 
  • 1858: 'The great stink' – smell of the River Thames forced Parliament to stop work
  • 1858: Royal Opera House opens in Covent Garden, London
74 1859 
  • 1859: Peaceful picketing legalised in Britain
  • 25 Apr 1859: Work started on building the Suez canal (opened 17 Nov 1869)
  • 4 May 1859: Brunel's Royal Albert Bridge opened at Saltash giving rail link between Devon and Cornwall
  • 24 Nov 1859: Charles Darwin publishes "The Origin of Species"
75 1860 
  • 29 Aug 1860: First tram service in Europe starts in Birkenhead
76 1861 
  • 25 May 1861: American Civil War begins