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Anna Swan

Female 1727 - 1751  (24 years)

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 1727: Board of Manufacturers established in Scotland
  • 11 Jun 1727: George I dies – George II Hanover becomes king
  • 9 Nov 1729: Treaty of Seville signed between Britain, France and Spain – Britain maintained control of Port Mahon and Gibraltar
  • 1730: Irish famine
  • 1731: Invention of seed drill by Jethro Tull [others say 1701]
  • 1731: Invention of sextant by John Hadley
  • 7 Dec 1732: Covent Garden Opera House opens
  • 1733: Excise crisis: Sir Robert Walpole wanted to add excise tax to tobacco and wine – Pulteney and Bolingbroke oppose the excise tax
  • 1733: Law forbidding the use of Latin in parish registers generally obeyed – some continued in Latin for a few years
  • 1733: John Kay invents the flying shuttle, revolutionised the weaving industry
  • 1734: Kent's Directory published
  • 1737: Licensing Act restricts the number of London theatres and subects plays to censorship of the Lord Chamberlain (till 1950s)
  • 24 May 1738: John Wesley has his conversion experience
10 1739 
  • 1739: Wesley and Whitefield commence great Methodist revival
  • 7 Apr 1739: Dick Turpin, highwayman, hanged at York
  • 23 Oct 1739: War of Jenkins' Ear starts: Robert Walpole reluctantly declares war on Spain
11 1741 
  • 1741: Benjamin Ingham founded the Moravian Methodists or Inghamites – Earliest Moravian registers
12 1742 
  • 1742: England goes to war with Spain – incited by William Pitt the Elder (Earl of Chatham) for the sake of trade
13 1743 
  • 16 Jun 1743: (June 27 in Gregorian calendar): Battle of Dettingen – last time a British sovereign (George II) led troops in battle
14 1744 
  • 1744: Tune 'God Save the King' makes its appearance
15 1745 
  • 1745: Jacobite rebellion in Scotland ('The Forty-five')
  • 19 Aug 1745: Bonnie Prince Charlie (The Young Pretender) lands in the western Highlands – raises support among Episcopalian and Catholic clans – The Pretender's army invades Perth, Edinburgh, and England as far as Derby
16 1746 
  • 16 Apr 1746: Battle of Culloden – last battle fought in Britain – 5,000 Highlanders routed by the Duke of Cumberland and 9,000 loyalists Scots – Young Pretender Charles flees to Continent, ending Jacobite hopes forever – the wearing of the kilt prohibited
17 1747 
  • 1747: Abolition of Heritable Jurisdictions in Scotland
  • 1747: Act for Pacification of the Highlands
18 1749 
  • 27 Apr 1749: First performance of Handel's Music for the Royal Fireworks (in Green Park, London)
19 1750 
  • Feb 1750: Series of earthquakes in London and the Home Counties cause panic with predictions of an apocalypse (Feb/Mar)
  • 16 Nov 1750: Original Westminster Bridge opened (replaced in 1862 due to subsidence)
20 1751 
  • Mar 1751: Chesterfield's Calendar Act passed – royal assent to the bill was given on 22 May 1751 – decision to adopt Gregorian Calendar in 1752: "In and throughout all his Majesty's Dominions and Countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, belonging or subject to the Crown of Great Britain, the said Supputation, according to which the Year of Useful dates in British history 03/01/2009 12:12 our Lord beginneth on the 25th Day of March, shall not be made use of from and after the last Day of December 1751; and that the first Day of January next following the said last Day of December shall be reckoned, taken, deemed and accounted to be the first Day of the Year of our Lord 1752"