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 Analysis-Jonathan's 1741 Will

   Last modified: 20 September 2024

This is an effort to deconstruct Jonathan Jamisone's 1941 Will, by identyfing those people he mentions therein, with the idea of better understanding his family connections.

Below is a direct transcript of John Jameson's 1741 Last will and Testement as recorded with the New Hampshire Historical Society. Word for word, with links to each person identified that we know of and is in our database.

  In the name of God Amen The fourth day of December 1741 I John Jamison of Londonderry in his Majesties province of New Hampshire in New England Cord Winder being verry Sick and weak of body * * * I do ordain and appoint John M*Murphy and James Rodgers both of Lo:derry afored:d Executors
  Imprints I order all Just debts that I am Justly due to be honestly paid
  Item I order my real Estate that is to say my land with all the priviledges and apurtenances thereunto belongings unto John Jamison son to Edward Jamison in the parish of Dumbough in the County of Lo:derry in Ireland
  Item I order twelve hides of leather now in John dickeys tannhouse to my Cusin Thomas Jamison in this town he paying the tanner
  Item I order one pair of mens Shoes to my Cusin James Cochran of Sohagan
  Item I order fifteen shillings in Cash to be given my Sister and her two Children
  Item I order fifteen shillings in Cash together with one pair of shoe buckels he had from me to get mended and never returned them to my Cusin James Ewen
  Item I order one pair of shoes be Given to my Cusin Alex Jamison
  Item I order the Compleat works or Mr John flavel to my Cusin James Rodgers of this town
  Item I order the sermans preached before the parliiment of England to John McMurphy
  Item I order my confession of faith to the Rev Macgregor
  Item I order my Exposision of Mathew & Luke to James Aiken
  Item I order Naphatali & Mchenry on the Sacrament to willm & Nathanial Aiken
  Item I order vincents Catichism to James Aikens wife & Mr dyers Golden Chain to William Aikens wife
  Item I order my book account standing against Agnes Archibald widow in this town to be freely quit and discharged for the good services she hath done me from time to time
  Item I order the houseold stuff to be Safley kept for the above named John Jamison whom I appoint my heir
  Item I order my book account Standing against James Ried of this town to be paid to the Rev Mr David Magregor
  Item I order my seat and working toools to my Cousin Thomas Jamison
  And I do hearby uterly disalow revoke and disanull all and Every other former tastament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.

Signed Sealed and published by the said John Jamison as his last will and Tastament in the presence of the Subscribers
John Archibald
James Aiken
William Aiken [Proved Dec 30, 1741.]

[Warrant, Dec. 30, 1741, authorising John Archibald and James Moore, both of Londonderry, to appraise the estate.]
Probate Records, vol 15, p.206

[Inventory, signed by John Archibald and James Moore; amount £285.17.5; attested Oct 27, 1742]

[1] Reference details here