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 Which Jonas Hastings was living in Dunbarton and Married to Esther Jameson?

   Last modified: 20 September 2024

This worksheet is an effort to help determine who was the Jonas Hastings, who married Esther Jameson and lived in Dunbarton, NH.

Apparently there were several different Jonas Hastings in the latter 1700s and early 1800s, with connections to the area around where we can find a Captain Jonas Hastings married to Esther Jameson.

The Jonas Hastings we're looking for was known as Captain Jonas Hastings. He was a Tanner and according to the "History of Dunbarton" kept a Tan-Yard in the southerly part of town and was married to Esther Jameson. Assuming he was a contemporary of Esther's, he would probably have been born, like her, in the early 1740s. We know they lived in Dunbarton and according to E.O. Jameson (The Jameson's in America), died there too. We know they were living there in 1810 (US Federal census) and can assume they died some time after that. We don't have any record of their burial, but if buried in Dunbarton, their remains may have been unidentifiable at the time that cemetery was moved to it's present location, just north of town center.

There is an extensive Ancestry list of documents for various Jonas Hastings in New Hampshire and Massachusetts around this time here, which may or may not be all inclusive. There are also several links for various Hastings genealogies on Google.

There is a comprehensive Ancestry Family tree here, naming John Hastings 3rd and Rebekah Kelly as the parents of a Jonas Hastings (b.1744) as married to Ester Jamesons and living in Dunbarton. However this is not supported with any specific documents that can prove this.

Separately however, there are documents that do support this connection, only they are just documents that John and Rebekah had a child named Jonas of the right approximate age, not necessarily documents that show he is the Captain Jonas Hastings who married Esther Jameson and lived/died in Dunbarton. Yet, there is a complication with these documents. Basically - there are two documents to this point. One (here) shows a John Hastings born 11 April 1744, in Salem, Rockingham Co., NH, to John and Rebekah Hastings and the other shows (here) a Jonas Hastings born 9 November 1747, in Salem, Rockingham Co., NH, to John and Rebekah Hastings. So who ever did that Ancestry Tree (above) got things a little wrong (flipped).

There is another contemporary Jonas Hastings (here) born 23 September 1841 in Shrewsbury, MA, to a Joseph and Hannah Hastings. Shrewsbury is in near by Worcester Co., just across the border in Massachusetts.

There is also a 13 November 1786, birth record for a Jonas Hastings (here), son of a Joseph and Rebekah Hastings, in Hopkinton, Hillsborough Co., NH, This is unlikely the Jonas Hastings we are looking for.

It might be worth noting that E.O.Jameson in his book JiA, references a book "The History of Cambridge, MA" (p.575,576) here, for the Jonas Hastings he shows. Unfortunately, this Cambridge book lists a biography of some Hasting families, none apparently linking any Jonas directly. Many of those listed however, were tanners.

Then there are at least two marriage records for Jonas Jamesons.

One (here) is on 28 November 1805 in Hebron, Grafton Co., NH to a Polly Ordway

The other (here) is on 13 February 1813, in Henniker, Merrimack Co., NH, to an Eliza Connor.